ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に、韓国人男性が長期滞在されました!ゲストハウス庵の隣町、松原市にある企業さんに助っ人として韓国から来られた技術者の方で、始めは大阪市内のホテルに宿泊して、そこから松原まで通勤していたそうですが、より近くにあるゲストハウス庵に移って来られました。ホテルでは部屋でお一人だったので早くに就寝していたけど、ゲストハウス庵では毎晩庵スタッフとの会話があり、色々な話しができてよかったとおっしゃいました。お仕事の話、経済の話、はたまた日韓問題や南北問題についてもお話しされました。日本人の知人は今までもいたけど、ここまで踏み込んで話したのは初めてだとおっしゃっていました。
A Korean businessman stayed long at Guest House Ioly Osaka! He's a technician who came from Korea to help a firm in Matsubara, near Guest House Ioly, but at first he stayed at a hotel in Osaka City and commuted from there to Matsubara, but eventually moved to Ioly.
He said he went to bed early when he was staying at the hotel alone, but over here he enjoyed chatting with the Ioly staff every night. He talked about his job, economy, and even about the relationship between Japan and Korea, and relationship between South and North Korea. He confessed he had some other Japanese acquaintances, but he never discussed these matters with them before.
He really liked the food and drinks he shared with the staff, and he complimented the mochi
saying it was the best mochi he had in Japan ever. He also bought a bunch of packs of ramen that he loved eating at Ioly!
While we talked about variety of topics, we sometimes came across words that are really similar in Japanese and Korean, and it was nice to find them, as well.
Thank you, Sir! Please call again!