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韓国からアメフトの試合を観に来られました!A Korean guy came to watch an American football game!


週末を利用して、韓国は釜山から大学生の方がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に来られました!アメフトをするらしく、このたびの旅行も甲子園にアメフトの試合を観に来たのでした!いや~甲子園でアメフトが行われていることすら知らなかったです!








A university student came to Guest House Ioly Osaka from Busan, Korea! He plays American football, and he came over to watch a American football game at Koshien stadium! I didn't even know that American football games were held there! He chose Guest House Ioly although it's in the south of Osaka, not quite in the direction of Koshien, because he found out that he can rent a bike here, and so he did, and he went cycling through Habikino, Matsubara, and Sakai.

He kept recording himself and whatever surrounded him with his smartphone from when he was checking in at the Guest House. The reason was, to put it up on YouTube. When some people asked him if he was a YouTuber, he said he was about to be one!

As he got to the stadium the next day, he started to interview some people around the stadium with his smartphone in his hand. He asked them which team they thought would win, and the teams were Kansai Gakuin University and Waseda University. He himself was supporting Waseda, but all the people he interviewed were on the Kansai Gakuin side. It might have been only natural given that Koshien is in Kansai... That night he called me and messaged me saying he got to Osaka Airport, which is in Itami, but it turned out that his flight was to leave from Kansai Airport! And to make the matter worse, he didn't have 1000 Japanese yen on him to catch the bus to go to Kansai Airport from there. He asked me to look up the phone number of the airline he was to fly, which I did, and then I didn't hear from him. He texted me a few hours later, saying that he made it to Kansai Airport after a kind passer by gave him 1000 yen! And although he missed the original flight, they fixed him an alternative flight back to Korea.

That must have been a rough trip for him, but observing it from a distance, I believe it must be the highlight of what makes your trip exciting and unforgettable.

He promised to come back here again.


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