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松原六社巡り Six Shrine Pilgrimage


ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 は大阪府羽曳野市の北西端にあり、当館から北または西へ少し歩くと、お隣の松原市です。また、当館と目と鼻の先にある、日本で五番目の大きさを誇る大塚山古墳も、東半分は羽曳野市、西半分は松原市に属しています。そんな松原市には、新年に「松原六社巡り」なるものがあるということで、六社を巡ってきました!











Guest House Ioly Osaka is located in the northwest end of Habikino City, Osaka, and just a few minutes' walk to either north or west will take you to the neighbouring city of Matsubara. Also, the nearest kofun from the Guest House is Japan's fifth largest and the east half of it belongs to Habikino and the west half belongs to Matsubara. I learned that the City of Matsubara has this thing called 'Matsubara Six Shrine Pilgrimage', so I did that.

With it, you have to visit all of the six specific shrines, but you can start with any one of them, and you can go in any order. You obtain an ema, a wooden board, and at each shrine you visit, you get your ema stamped. After you visit all the six shrines, you go back to the first one and show them your complete ema, and they'll give you something.

Each of them was quite different from each other and it was really interesting to visit them. Some of them have such unique kanji letters for their names that it's almost impossible to read them right.

The first one I visited was called Ao Shrine. It has three huge trees and one of them is over 1100 years old! Its trunk is really big, of course, but its roots have come up to the surface of the ground and you could tell it was really old! The main building of the shrine has some pictures on the ceiling and they say it is rare for a shrine, not a temple, to have them. There's a temple next to the shrine, and across from the shrine is a public bath.♨

Then I travelled west to Gado Hachimangu. This was closer to Sakai City. As the name 'Hachimangu' suggests, the main building was red and the roof was anti-arched, and there were other smaller shrines, there, too.

Not too far from Gado Hachimangu was Nunose Shrine. The name Nunose is really old, and it appears in a really old document. There's also a train station called Nunose. As I approached the shrine, I could feel that this one was very different from the other two; two guards were standing outside the torii gate and guiding the cars and visitors. There was a river flowing in front of the shrine, and right in front of the torii gate was a red bridge that was the route to the shrine. This shrine was also different in that it had lots of visitors, most of whom were young, and I guessed they were here for the unique love fortune paper they were famous for.

After I left Nunose Shrine, I travelled up and up north close to Amamikoso Shrine, which is on the border between Matsubara City and Osaka City, where the Yamato River runs. One of the gods at the shrine is Susanoonomikoto, one of the gods in the very early period of the country, and the stamp I got here had a picture of him and the writing of his name in it. This place is really unique because it’s an exclave of Osaka City, although it belongs to the south of the river, so it's inside Matsubara City but it belongs to Osaka City, and the address plate says Osaka, while the address plate on the other side of the same road says Matsubara!

Then I travelled southeast to Miyake Shrine. Its land was large, and it had quite a few smaller shrines other than the main building. It was unique and impressive that it had some benches in the location.

Finally the sixth one: Shibagaki Shrine. This is apparently the only shrine in Japan that's good for teeth. There's a statue of a man's face with a big smile showing off his neat teeth here, and the stamp I got here was a picture of the same man!

Then I got back to the first shrine, Ao. I showed my ema with the six stamps on it to the lady there, and she handed me a little white paper bag. I took out what was inside, and it was a miniature of the year's animal, mouse! It's cute! It's now displayed in Guest House Ioly together with the ema.





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