ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 の英会話教室に、この3月から幼稚園の年長の男の子が通われています!以前のブログで書いた男の子とはまた別の子が、時期を同じくして始められました!
一方で、今まで英語を書いたり読んだりはあまりしていなかったようで、アルファベットを一文字ずつ、その書き順から、教えていく段階でした。これが、子供のビジュアルな感性はとても面白いですね!小文字の 'f' を見て、「なんか、杖みたいや!」と言ったり、小文字の 'h' を見て、「椅子みたい!」と言ったり。☺
A young boy of six years old started to come to take English lessons here at Guest House Ioly Osaka this month!
A soccer lover, this boy is full of energy and he's really friendly. He wasn't even nervous at the first trial lesson, either. Apparently he had been with English speakers before, and when I taught him some words or phrases, he said 'I know that!' or ' I've heard that!'.
On the other hand, however, he didn't seem to have read or written English before, and his first step with me was to learn to read and write each English alphabet. Which turned out quite interesting; kids' visual sense is really fascinating! Looking at the small letter 'f', he exclaimed 'It looks like a stick!' and when he saw the small letter 'h', he said 'That looks like a chair! Looks like a bouncy chair!'☺
I had to guide him with each stroke using a whiteboard in the beginning, but now he can quickly write words just by hearing me say the spellings!!
He is gong to go to elementary school in April! His future looks bright!⚽
