音楽好きな女性三人がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊されました!そのうちの二人は今回がゲストハウス庵ご宿泊二回目で、今回はギターとウクレレを持ってきてくださいました!チェックインの夜はラウンジで飲み食い、チェックアウトの日はギターとウクレレと歌を披露してくださいました!素敵な歌声!また来てくださいね~!!🎸
Three music lovers came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka! Two of them came here for the second time, and this time they brought their guitar and uklele! They ate and drank at the lounge here after they checked in, and they played the instruments and sang after they 'checked out' next morning. What beautiful voices!! We can't wait to see you again soon!!
