台湾の台中の男性がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 まで自転車で来られて宿泊されました!台湾から持ってこられた自転車で西国三十三所巡りをされているとのことで、第五霊所である藤井寺の葛井寺を訪れた後、投宿されました。和歌山県にある第一霊所から順番に回られているとのことで、11月中に全三十三所巡る予定だそうです。
A Taiwanese man rode his bike to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka! He's from Taichung, and he has been on the Saikoku Kannon Pilgrimage with the bike he's brought from Taiwan. He's been visiting the temples in the order of the temple number, and after he visited the fifth one, Fujiidera-temple in Fujiidera City, he came to the Guest House. He is planning to complete the pilgrimage during this month by visiting all the thirty-three temples.
I told his that he looked like a Buddhist monk, and he said he got that a lot. However, not only is he not a monk, but he used to be a pastry chef!
We talked a lot about various countries, temples, architecture and so on. He promised to be my guide when I visit Taichung! Take care!