ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に、30代男性二人組が、一人は広島、もう一人は三重から来られました!同じ日に女性二人組が、一人は広島、もう一人は山形から来られました!さらに同じ日に一人旅の男性が東京から来られました!このグループは初対面でしたが、ゲストハウス庵のラウンジで五人みんな(プラス庵スタッフ)で談話が延々と続きました。そこに広げられたおつまみやドリンクは、男性二人組が買って来てくださったもの。しかもそのうちのおひとりが買ってきた和歌山産のみかんは、庵スタッフがオススメした近くの串カツ屋の女性スタッフが和歌山のとある町の出身で、そこがみかんの名産地だというのを聞いた後で立ち寄った店に丁度その町のみかんがあったので思わず買ったものだそうです!! 延々と談話は続き、気がつけば午前3時というところでお開きとなりました。
A pair of men in their 30's, one from Hiroshima, the other from Mie, a pair of ladies, one from Hiroshima, the other from Yamagata, and a man travelling by himself, all came to Guest House Ioly Osaka on the same day! It was their first time with each other, but all five of them, and the Ioly staff, sat together at the lounge and chatted. There were snacks and drinks on the table, which the pair of men had bought for the other guests! Also, one of them brought a bag of tangerines from Wakayama, which he found by chance at a supermarket they visited after they had dinner at a kushikatsu restaurant near the Guest House where he chatted with a female staff member who told him she was from a town in Wakayama, whose major products were tangerines, and he couldn't help but buy them!
We kept chatting for hours, and when we realised it was three a.m. and we called it a day.
One of the ladies was here for the third time. The guy who was travelling alone bought an Ioly T-shirt! He wrote an e-mail to us a few days later, saying he'd never forget Guest House Ioly as long as he has the Ioly T-shirt! Thank you!!