三重県伊勢市の男性がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊されました!伊勢神宮の至近距離にお住まいとのことで、初詣の頃には人でごった返して家から出れないと言われていました!伊勢の地元の人が通うという飲食店について教えてもらいました!
しかも、この方、かつてはハードロック・ヘビメタ系のバンドのギタリストで、デビュー前の黒夢とラピュータそれぞれに在籍されていたそうです!!!🎸 またまた庵スタッフと音楽の話で盛り上がりました!
A gentleman from Ise, Mie, came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka! Living close to Ise Shrine, he said he can't get out of his house during New Year's when lots of people go there to pray. He also told me about this restaurant the locals frequently go to. I'll definitely give it a try when I visit Ise!
Also, his grandmother was an ama, or a female diver, until only a few years ago, and she was featured in media for several occasions.
The guy travels all over Japan on business, which he runs himself, and he boasted that he'd been to all the prefectures except for Yamagata! He and I had fun talking about ramen restaurants in Hiroshima!🍜
To top it all off, he confessed that he once was a guitar player in hard rock / heavy metal bands, and he was one of the initial members of Kuroyume and Laputa!!!🎸 He and I had a whale of time talking about music!
Please call again!!