昨年11月にゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に初めて宿泊されて以来、今回が3回目のご宿泊、しかも1月からは庵のオンライン英会話レッスンも受講されている男性と、その方のお仕事関係者の方と庵スタッフとで串カツ屋に行ってきました!
その関係者の方というのは羽曳野市役所の職員さんで、先日 ゲストハウス庵スタッフがお会いしたのは市役所の産業振興課の方と世界遺産推進室の方でしたが、この方は政策推進課という課の方でした。先日はゲストハウス庵をアピールしに市役所にお邪魔したわけですが、この政策推進課の方は、当館のことを、当館がゲストハウス庵になる前の前身の宿泊施設の時からご存知でした!!
We had a guest from Yokohama who stayed at Guest House Ioly Osaka for the third time this time, and he's also been taking online English lesson with us since this January. This time, he and I went to dinner at the local kushikatsu restaurant with one of his clients!
The client works in Habikino City Hall. This guy is the fourth person I met from there, but he's at a different section from the other people I met previously, and to my surprise, he knew the Guest House! In fact, he's known it for years, since before this place reopened as Guest House Ioly!!
We also talked about kofun, and I heard something interesting from him: that it was taboo to even use photos of kofun on posters and media before! The Imperial Household Agency, which govern most of the kofun, must have taken extra care of them as ancient emperors' tombs. I asked him when it loosened, and he said it was just about the time when Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group applied for the World Cultural Heritage site registration.
The guest, the other gentleman, was here on business dealing with tourism-marketing, and the three of us talked about how we could bring more people to Habikino.
He also took to the kushikatsu place, which was nice!!