先月、千葉県の女性がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊されました! チェックインの瞬間から打ち解けた感じでお話しをされる方で、当館にたどり着くまでに携帯電話の充電が切れて道に迷い、通りすがりの人に道を聞いて歩いてはまた別の人に道を聞いて、1時間歩いてようやく当館にたどり着いたとのことでした。しかし、とてもポジティブな方で、そうやって「近辺の街並みを見ることができたし、地元の人とも話せたし、他の地元の人たちの会話も耳に入ってきた」と仰っていました。
天然温泉かけ流し 華の湯:https://hananoyu453.wixsite.com/kakenagashi-onsen
A lady from Chiba came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka last month! She was really frank and started to talk as she was checking in, and she told me how it took her an hour to find the Guest House Ioly from the nearest train station walking and wandering and getting lost, asking passers-by the way to the Guest House, after her smartphone died...
She was, however, positive enough to say that she was able to see the town, talk to the locals, and overhear the locals talking.
Born and bred in Ibaragi, she moved to Aichi and Hokkaido, and now lives in Chiba. She also told me stories behind living in and moving to each of those places. She told me some tales of the Ainu, the aboriginal tribe of Hokkaido, and how Ibaragi dates back to the time when it was called Mito, while Habikino has a much older history, with which she was really impressed.
She got up early next morning, and rented our bike for cycling around here: the purposes were to see the kofun closest to the Guest House, which is Japan's fifth largest keyhole shaped kofun, and to visit a cafe that serves breakfast. I told her about the kofun the night before, and she decided to go see it, and as for the cafe, she had looked it up herself saying Aichi has lots of cafes that have breakfast, and when you're on a trip, you can get the cafe breakfast only when you stay in the area overnight. That's true!
We had checked the route and time of her trains to Kansai Airport that's best suited for her flight the night before, but it was right before the time she should leave the Guest House when she got back from cycling in the morning. I thought she got lost again, but the fact was that other than the kofun and the cafe, she also visited a nearby hot spring, shrine, and a cake shop next to the station and ate kofun cake!! She sure spent a fulfilling morning!! 🚴〇◁☕⛩♨🎂
Her morning route: Otsukayama Kofun→Gochisou Cafe Ukatama→Natural Hot Springs Hana no Yu→Otsu Shrine→Patisserie Baron
Otsukayama Kofun:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B2%B3%E5%86%85%E5%A4%A7%E5%A1%9A%E5%B1%B1%E5%8F%A4%E5%A2%B3
Gochisou Cafe Ukatama:https://profile.ameba.jp/ameba/ukatamacafe
Natural Hot Springs Hana no Yu:https://onsen-hananoyu.jimdofree.com/natural-hot-spring-sauna-hananoyu/
Otsu Shrine:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A7%E6%B4%A5%E7%A5%9E%E7%A4%BE_(%E7%BE%BD%E6%9B%B3%E9%87%8E%E5%B8%82)
Patisserie Baron :http://www.patisserie-baron.com/
