ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に、マンガが寄贈されました!!
先月 宿泊された千葉在住の方が、庵スタッフとの談話を通して、以前からご興味があったというイギリスへの関心が更に高まったとおっしゃり、また、ゲストハウス庵には各客室にマンガが多数置いてあるということもあり、この方のお好きなヴィクトリア朝時代のイギリスが舞台のマンガを寄贈してくださったのです!また、以前からご興味があったイギリスに、将来必ず行くという決心がついたともおっしゃっていました!
A bunch of comic books have been sent to Guest House Ioly Osaka!
They were donated by a lady who stayed at the Guest House last month, who said her interest about England became stronger through the conversation with the Ioly staff, and apparently the comics are about the Victorian England. She also told me that she was determined to visit the country some day!
As I opened the parcel, I found a handwritten letter on top of the comic books. How nice!
This lady spent fulfilling time renting our bike and exploring the nearby areas in the morning before she checked out, but it turned out that there were fewer trains going to Kansai Airport due to the coronavirus, and she almost missed the plane! The virus can have an effect on something you wouldn't expect it to!
Thank you, madam! Please call again when things settle down!
