ネスカフェのコーヒーをお土産にくれたベトナム人カップルがゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に滞在されていた間、その男性の方は毎日ずっとゲストハウスにいました。女性の方は毎日 朝早く出かけて、戻ってくるのは夜でした。彼は買い物に出かけたり料理をしたり、洗濯をしたりしていました。夕方には夕飯を作り、しばらく経って外出するのは彼女をお迎えに行く時でした。どこまでお迎えに行ってのか分かりませんが、一度、彼が外出した少しあとで、外の看板の電気をつけようとゲストハウスの外に出たところ、すぐそばに彼が突っ立っていたこともありました。健気でした。
While the Vietnamese pair stayed at Guest House Ioly Osaka, the guy stayed at the Guest House the whole time. The lady, on the other hand, left the House early in the morning every day, and came back at night. The gentleman went grocery shopping, cooked, and did the laundry. He made dinner early in the evening, and left the House after a while, and came back together with his girlfriend. I have no idea how far he went to meet her, but once I went out of the House to turn of the light for the sign some time after he went out, and found him right outside the House just standing there. What a guy!
One day, he came back from grocery shopping, and I saw a bitter gourd in his plastic bag. I told him that the fruit is popular in Okinawa, and showed him a photo of Goya Champuru on my tablet. Looking at it, he said 'no, no, no'. What he made was very different from it, and it was a bitter gourd with minced meat in it!
Another day, he saw me ironing one of the jinbei for ladies and asked me if it was a kimono. I accidentally said yes...
When they were checking out, he said thank you in Japanese, and asked to shake hands.
After they left, a plastic bottle of fish sauce was left in the kitchen.