男性三人組がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊されました!お父さんとそのお子さん、そしてお父さんの甥で、甥の彼はみなさんに会いに日本に来て3か月間 日本に滞在していたそうです!ベトナムは雨期と乾季だけなので日本の四季が好きだと言っていました。彼とは英語で話し、お子さんとは日本語で話し、お父さんとは日本語と英語で話しました。お子さんは小学校一年生のときにベトナムの学校で英語を習っていたそうで、今、日本の小学校四年生で習う英語が簡単すぎると言っていました!
A group of three came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka: a father and his son, and the father's nephew. The nephew came to see them in Japan and he's stayed here in Japan for three months. He said he liked Japan because it has four seasons, whereas Vietnam only has the wet season and the dry season. I spoke with him in English, and I spoke with the kid in Japanese, and with the father, in both. The kid said since he had learned English while he was in the first grade in primary school in Vietnam, he found the English he's learning now in the fourth grade in school here in Japan too easy.
