ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪での英会話レッスンCANAHAVA tutoringの様子をお伝えします!We offer English lessons here at Guest House Ioly Osaka!
Kids amaze me with their responses!
今日のゲストハウス庵での英会話レッスンは、子供たちがABCカードで楽しく英語に触れました!In today's English lesson at Guest House Ioly Osaka, kids had fun playing with ABC cards!

今日のゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪での英会話レッスンCANAHAVA tutoringでは、3歳と6歳の兄弟でABCカードを使ってレッスンをしました!Aならapple、Dならdogと、アルファベットのカードに絵と単語が書いてあります。Sのカードにはsunとあり、それを見た弟くんが棚の上のミニチュアの太陽の塔を指さして「太陽、あるやん!」と言ったのです!3歳児で太陽の塔を認識していることに驚かされました!
What happened today:
In today's English lesson at Guest House Ioly Osaka, young brothers of three-year-old and six-year-old had fun playing with alphabet cards. Each card shows an alphabet letter, an English word that starts with it, and a picture of the word. For example, the card that says A says 'apple' and it has a picture of an apple. I had them repeat the alphabet, then the words. When the letter S came around, the younger boy saw the picture of the sun on the card and said, 'there it is, the sun!' pointing at the miniature statue of the 'Tower of the Sun' on top of the bookshelf in the room! I was so amazed that the three-year-old boy simply knew and recognised the Tower, and also because he was able to link the Tower with the picture card!